San Ramon Valley Fire District | Danville, CA
LDA provides design and engineering consultation to the San Ramon Valley Fire Protection District on an as-needed basis. From our broad base of experience and proven ability to respond efficiently, we assist the District with the maintenance. Improvement, and development of its facilities.
The District maintains ten fire stations and staffs fifteen companies, including structure and wildland engines, ladder trucks, ALS ambulances, and specialized Hazmat, Rescue, Communications and other support units.
Station 31 –Alterations to Dormitories. At this large facility in the heart of suburban Danville, LDA made improvements to life-safety concerns and the quality of life for on-duty fire crews and Emergency Call Center staff. Improvements included the addition of egress paths, and daylighting and ventilation upgrades.
Station 39 –Remodeling of Dormitory Bathroom Facilities. Removal and replacement of a deteriorating bathroom serving on-duty firemen. The work corrected waterproofing and weatherproofing weaknesses, energy consumption concerns, and made changes to improve the ease of maintenance.
Emergency Call Center Improvements. While maintaining safe operations, LDA designed and phased improvements to the District’s 9-1-1 Call Center. Within the available building footprint, we added a new office for the ECC Manager, relocated 2 Battalion Chiefs’ offices, provided on-site breakroom facilities for ECC operators, and rearranged and refurnished the ECC for more efficient and comfortable operations.
Station 30 –Gas Line Repair. LDA provided consultation in repairs and improvements to the installation of the stations gas line, including service to its gas-fired emergency generator.